Winter Blues: Strains for Depression During the Holidays

Cannabis Consumption 4

In the winter months, seasonal depression can steal cheer from the holidays, as dreary weather and being stuck indoors begin to take their toll. For some individuals, however, cannabis is the perfect pick-me-up to make winter happy and bright once again, and the joys of recreational legalization have only made it easier to access great cannabis products. Those in search of strains for depression during the holidays need to look no further than these satisfying selections.

Try These Strains for Depression to Manage SAD

Animal Cookies

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Source: Herb

With a name like Animal Cookies, this strain has a sweet reputation to live up to. Luckily, Animal Cookies is finely crafted with genetics from some of the most popular strains currently available at dispensaries, making it a go-to choice for cannabis consumers looking for a new and exciting strain to test out.

As a hybrid that brings together the best qualities of Girl Scout Cookies and Fire OG, to which it owes its lineage, Animal Cookies offers unique effects that won’t soon be forgotten. The easy grind and burn of Animal Cookies buds also elicit a comfortable, smooth smoke conducive to passing around with groups of like-minded cannabis compatriots.

Shark Shock

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Source: Leafly

Shark Shock is an 80% indica that goes above and beyond to produce a restful, relaxing experience for those that partake with this strain in their bowl. Its flavor is known for its earthy taste with notes of berries and citrus, and a deep scent that allows the strain to distinguish itself among similar choices.

Once smoked, Shark Shock immediately stands out as one of the better strains for depression on the market, with instant euphoric effects that flood throughout the entire body. This state of happiness and calm is capable of lasting for hours, long after your encounter with Shark Shock has been concluded.

Bon Bons

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Source: Weedmaps

Another strain with a delightful name, Bon Bons can be a relatively rare find among the milieu of options available to cannabis enthusiasts. However, if encountered, the opportunity to acquaint oneself with Bon Bons is hard to turn down, as its powerful effects make it one of the more potent strains that consumers can purchase.

In fact, Bon Bons batches have tested at around 31% THC content before, which is notably much higher than even strains intended for high tolerance cannabis consumers. When dosing with Bon Bons, take care to exercise patience in between bowls and go slow so as not to invite an uncomfortable experience upon yourself.

Cypress OG

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Source: Leafly

Cypress OG is a similarly uncommon example of cannabis that will impress fans of indica strains. Though it may not be an innovation in the world of cannabis, there is no doubt that when compared to most indicas, Cypress OG is robustly satisfactory, delivering rich, pine-scented smoke. Along with effects that mark Cypress OG as one of the best strains for depression, leading to a carefree and gregarious mood, the indica may also instill a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of the world.

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