The Many Benefits of Linalool

the many benefits of linalool

What is linalool and what are its benefits

Linalool is a terpene found in cannabis that has a floral, sweet scent. Like many terpenes, it is not specific to cannabis; its characteristic lavender scent with a hint of spiciness can be found in over 200 types of plants. In fact, it’s so common that even those who don’t use cannabis consume over two grams of linalool each year through their food, including numerous fruits and spices.

Linalool is thought to have a number of therapeutic benefits, including:

  • Reducing anxiety and stress levels
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Relieving pain
  • Alleviating depression
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Boosting immunity

Linalool is a safe and well-tolerated compound with few side effects. Some people may experience dry mouth or dizziness when using products containing linalool.

How does linalool work and what are its effects

Linalool works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for maintaining balance in the body. When linalool is consumed, it interacts with the receptors in the endocannabinoid system, which can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels.

What strains are high in linalool?

There are a number of strains that are high in linalool, including Lavender and LA Confidential. These strains are known for their relaxing effects, which can help to reduce anxiety and stress levels. Linalool is also found in other strains, such as OG Kush and GSC.

How do you use linalool safely and effectively

Linalool can be safely and effectively used by adding it to food or drinks. You can also inhale it by using a vaporizer or add it to a topical product. When using linalool, start with a small dose and gradually increase the amount you consume until you find the dose that works best for you.


Linalool is a cannabis terpene that has a floral, sweet scent. It is known to have a number of therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety and stress levels.  Linalool is a safe and well-tolerated compound with few side effects. Linalool can be safely and effectively used by adding it to food or drinks. You can also inhale it by using a vaporizer or add it to a topical product. When using linalool, start with a small dose and gradually increase the amount you consume until you find the dose that works best for you.

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